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EV Charger

Nguyen Phuc TienNguyen Phuc Tien | |
Cover image for EV Charger

Project: EV Charger Search Application

Technologies: Spring Boot, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Spring Security, OpenAPI


  • Designed and implemented a scalable and efficient backend architecture using Spring Boot.
  • Integrated Elasticsearch for robust search functionality, allowing users to find chargers based on various criteria.
  • Utilized PostgreSQL for data storage and management, ensuring data integrity and performance.
  • Implemented a secure authentication and authorization mechanism using Spring Security to protect user data.
  • Developed RESTful APIs using OpenAPI for clear documentation and testing.

*** Achievements:**

  • Successfully built a backend system that provides accurate and timely search results for EV chargers.
  • Implemented a scalable and efficient architecture to handle increasing user demand.
  • Ensured data security and privacy through robust authentication and authorization measures.